
14 March, 2016

M ☕️ N D A Y S

Mondays... what to say? For me, monday is this "BOOM" wake up call that hits after a weekend of pure bliss and zero responsibility. Somehow, I always manage to leave my life a total mess on Friday. I guess because I leave Manhattan every Friday in escape to the countryside, I literally put my city life on hold for 72 hours. Hopefully this explains why returning on monday, to a mildly explosive state of life, is startling. 

Mondays have become a "catch up" day where I organize my once neat closet that I destroyed during the week and do last weeks laundry I left to "clean itself". I'm ultimately welcomed home with no groceries and a serious state of disorder. 

So let's be real? Is it time to change my routine? Instead of running from my messy Manhattan studio (I live in a college dorm but why not pretend?), should I leave the city a little more put together before I make my 3-day move to the country?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain -- I do this EVERY weekend. Never gets any easier.
